Thursday, September 30, 2021

Types of Sparrows-2

 Types of Sparrows-2


Swamp sparrows can be found in the eastern two-thirds of North America. They spend the summer breeding in Canada and far northern U.S. states and then winter in the U.S. and Mexico. These sparrows have a gray face, buffy sides, brown streaked wings, a rusty cap and black eye stripe. Swamp sparrows only nest in wetland habitats, and like to stay hidden among tall reeds, brush and vegetation. They actually have slightly longer legs than other sparrows, and this helps them wade through marsh water when foraging.


White-throated sparrows are common across much of the U.S. during the winter, and then migrate to Canada in the summer to breed. Their white throat patch makes them easier to identify among sparrows, along with their bold facial pattern of black and white stripe with yellow spots between the eyes. The females often nest on or just above the ground in hidden areas of dense brush and vegetation. These sparrows will visit your backyard feeder, and like to pick up seed off the ground. To encourage these sparrows, keep some brush piles nearby they can hide in.


Vesper sparrows have a streaked back and wings, brown streaking on the chest with a clear belly, a white ring round the eye and white outer tail feathers. This sparrow of fields and grasslands are often found within the northern half North America during the summer breeding season, and southern North America within the fall and winter. Vesper, meaning “evening song”, describes this sparrows habit of singing after sunset when most other birds have gone quiet. They wish to be call at the open once they sing and can choose elevated perches like wires, the highest of fence posts, and therefore the tops of shrubs.

4. Zonotrichia leucophrys (ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS)

White-crowned sparrows spend the summer far north in Canada and Alaska, then migrate backtrack across the us during the winter. In the mid-west they stay a year round.One among the better sparrows to spot , white-crowned sparrows have a bold black and white striped head while the remainder of their face, chest and belly remain a clear buffy brown-gray. They wish to forage in fields, and along the sides of roads and trails. These sparrows will come to bird feeders, but are presumably to remain on the bottom and devour spilt seed.


A larger sized sparrow, the Lark sparrow’s identifying feature is the multicolored head. it's a singular pattern of white, black, tan and warm brown. they need a pale chest with one central plant disease , and therefore the tip of the tail has white spots on the sides . Lark sparrows aren't typically found east of the Mississippi within the U.S., nor in most parts of Canada. They spend the breeding season within the central and western parts of the U.S. then winter in Mexico. search for them in grasslands, plains and prairies. Males “dance”for females during courtship, and these dances will remain for several minutes.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Types of Sparrows

Types of Sparrows 

Sparrows aren't the flashiest birds out there, but they're a reasonably large category. There are many sorts of sparrows and most have similar sizes, colors, and feather patterns that make them hard to inform apart and leave bird watchers reaching for his or her guidebooks.Actually they're often called little brown birds. during this article we'll take a glance at 17 of the foremost common species of sparrows in North America. 


Sparrows are members of the passerine family of birds, commonly mentioned as “songbirds” or “perching birds”. Sparrows are relatively small in size. Some do eat insects but they're mainly seed-eaters, and their cone-shaped bills make them experts at husking seeds. they have a tendency to be brown or gray in color with streaking along their backs and wings. Often the simplest thanks to tell them apart is by the colour patterns on their head and face. 

Sparrows are often found in many various habitats like swamps, grasslands, forests, pastures and everything in-between. There are over 40 species of sparrows that sleep in North America. Few will be abundant while others can only be found in very specific regions. Here are few common sparrows that you simply would presumably run into to on a hike, at the park, on the beach or in your own backyard. 


1. Melospiza melodia (MELOSPIZA MELODIA)

Song sparrows is gray and brown with bold warm brown streaks. they're quite common across the us and Canada. So common, that they need developed tons of regional differences in their coloration, size and song. During spring and summer the males will perch on exposed branches and sing to draw in mates and defend territory. and that they sing a lot! Males and females look for places to nest together, and like to create hidden in tall grasses and weeds. Song sparrows will visit bird feeders and aren’t too scared of nesting near humans. 

2. Spizella pusilla (SPIZELLA PUSILLA)

Field sparrows will have a buffy gray body with brown and white striping on the wing, a pink beak, a brown cap and brown spot behind the attention . These little sparrows are found within the eastern half the U.S. in grasslands, prairies and fields, the more overgrown the higher . Unfortunately their numbers have declined in many areas as these open fields became suburbs, where they're going to not nest. 

3. Spizella passerina (SPIZELLA PASSERINA)

Chipping sparrows have a clear gray chest and belly with brown and black streaked wings, a black eye-line and a bright rusty cap. they will be found all across North America in areas of woodlands and grassy forests also as parks and suburban backyards. Chipping sparrows are common at bird feeders, and particularly enjoy eating seeds on the bottom . While during summer males will fight one another for territory, during fall and winter they confederate in flocks. 

4. English sparrow (PASSER DOMESTICUS)

House sparrows have a tremendous ability to adapt to urban environments and may be found year-round throughout all of the us , Mexico and parts of Canada. actually they like nesting in man-made structures building eaves, mall signs and street lights. These sparrows aren't native to North America and were introduced from Europe in 1851 . Unfortunately they will be a true problem for native birds. They aggressively take over nest boxes from other birds like bluebirds and swallows, killing both young and adults within the process. it's thought that males with more black on their face and chest are older and more dominant over younger males. 


Fox sparrows are named after the rich red and orange coat of a fox. However just some fox sparrows have this coloring. Four different color groups exist which will look quite different from one another , Red, Sooty, Slate-colored and Thick-billed. These color variations occur in several regions in North America. they're a standard sparrow but reclusive, preferring to remain in dense thickets and brush. they'll come to backyard feeders to select at the seed that has fallen to the bottom , but are more likely to go to fruiting shrubs.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

African Grey Parrot - Interesting Facts

 African Grey Parrot - Interesting Facts


The African grey parrot features a grey coat on most of its body. They have red coloured feathers.Around the eye and up to the beak they have white feathers.Their eyes are a straw and therefore the beak is couloured black.

Two subspecies are identified, the Timneh Grey Parrot and therefore the Congo Grey Parrot.The Timneh has darker plumage everywhere and a light-weight brown patch on the upper portion of the beak.

They are approximately 33cms (13in) long.They weigh approximately 450g (15.9oz)


African grey parrots prey on a diet of seeds, nuts, fruits and berries.They're vegetarians and feed exclusively on fruits and grain.These parrots are very keen on the feather palm nut. 

As commercial grain crops like maize are planted in Africa they are known to try to to damage to those crops.


African grey parrots are from Africa and inhabit countries including Cote d’ Iviore, Ghana, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, Angola, Principe, equatorial Guniea, Togo and Burundi. 


They occupy lowland tropical rainforests, mangrove and gallery forests.With the rise in commercial farming they need been known to maneuver into cultivated areas.


They have variable breeding seasons which differ across their range.They nest during a small tree hollow 10-30m off the bottom.Nesting is typically wiped out solitary but may occur during a small group. they typically lay 2-3 eggs.These are incubated for 21-30 days.Young fledge 80 days after hatching.


African grey parrots are known to possess historically lived in groups of up to 10,000 individuals.

These colonies will break down into smaller groups of 30 approximately once they leave to feed. 

These parrots will seasonally move out of the driest parts of their range. 

They will fly great distances to seek out fruiting trees.

Quick facts

African grey parrots are very fashionable as pets worldwide

This has led to them being listed as vulnerable as thousands are taken from the wild illegally annually .

They can be trained to speak and one called Alex has learnt over 50 words.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Amazing Birds and Facts -4

Amazing Birds and Facts -4

16. Bohemian waxwing 


The Bohemian waxwing , Latin name Bohemian waxwing , are native to North America, Europe, and Asia.

They are about 8 inches long and weigh under 2 ounces. They eat fruit, but sometimes eat insects too.

Bohemian Waxwings are mostly brown and grey; however, their heads are a gorgeous peach color, the ideas of their wings are blue, and therefore the tip of their tail looks as if it's been dipped in yellow.

17. Broad-Billed Hummingbird


The Broad-billed Hummingbird, Latin name Cynanthus latirostris, is native to North America. they're just 10 cm long and weigh under 4 mg.

Broad-billed Hummingbirds eat nectar and luxuriate in drinking water from bird feeders.

These beautiful birds feature an extended beak with blue and green bodies. Their wings move very fast – up to 78 beats per second.

18. Peacock


The Peafowl, Latin name blue peafowl , is most referred to as the Peacock (which refers to the males) and is native to India.They feed on seeds, flowers, plants, small insects, frogs, and little reptiles.

Peafowls are 4 feet tall and weigh up to 14 pounds. The tail feathers each up to six feet long .

19. Gurney’s Pitta


The Gurney’s Pitta, Latin name Hydrornis gurneyi, is found within the Maylay Peninsula. they're 7 inches long when full grown and may weight up to ¼ of a pound. They eat worms, insects, and slugs.

The Gurney’s Pitta has vivid yellow and orange on its head, along side blue, white and brown bodies.

Females aren't as bright because the males, but still have the blue cap on top of their heads.

20. Lilac Breasted Roller


The Lilac Breasted Roller, Latin name Coracias caudatus, is found in  Africa. they're under 4 inches long and under 4 ounces, too. These birds eat insects also as small amphibians and lizards.

These beautiful birds are green and blue in color and have a lilac chest. they need brown eyes and a black bill.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Amazing Birds and Facts -3

  Amazing Birds and Facts -3

11. Stork-billed Kingfisher

The Stork-billed Kingfisher, Latin name Pelargopsis capensis, is found in Southeast Asia and therefore the tropical regions of India. They get older to 14 inches and ½ a pound.

They eat fish, rodents, crabs, frogs, and other small birds.

The Stork-billed Kingfishers are known for his or her long, red beaks, brown heads, yellow chests, and blue wings.

12. Peafowl

The Peafowl, Latin name blue peafowl , is most ordinarily referred to as the Peacock (which refers to the males) and is native to India.They eat seeds, flowers, plants, small insects, frogs, and little reptiles.

Peafowls get older to 4 feet tall and weigh up to 14 pounds.The tail feathers reaches to six feet long .

Peafowls are typically either green or blue bodied with beautiful tail feathers that opened up behind their bodies.

13. Trichoglossus moluccanus 


Rainbow Lorikeets, Latin name rainbow lorikeet , are native to Australia.

They get older to a foot long and weigh up to five .5 ounces.They feed on the nectar, fruit, small insects, and pollen from flowers.

It has a bright orange beak and chest.Their head is blue and wings is green.Their coloring patterns make them unmistakable.

14. Keel-billed Toucan

The Keel-billed Toucan, Latin name Ramphastos sulfuratus, is most ordinarily found in tropical forests from Mexico to Columbia.

They get older to six inches long and weigh up to 18 ounces They eat mostly fruit, but also will eat insects, lizards, eggs, and baby birds.

Toucans are widely known as a cereal mascot. they need an outsized , colorful bill with a black body and a sunshine yellow chest.

15. Icterus galbula 

The Icterus galbula , Latin name northern oriole , lives in northern Canada and migrate as south because the central and eastern us.They are about 8 inches long and weigh up to 2 ounces.

They eat fruits, flowers, nectar, and insects.

They can be recognized by their blackhead, fire-orange chest, also as white streaks on their wings. they're the mascot for the Baltimore Orioles, a serious League team .

Friday, September 3, 2021

Amazing Birds and Facts -2

 Amazing Birds and Facts -2

6. Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth Macaws, Latin name Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, is seen in eastern and central South America.They measure about three feet long and weigh around 3 ½ pounds.They eat hard nuts and seeds.They have very strong beaks.

These birds are recognizable by their bright cobalt-blue feathers with yellow accents around their eyes and beak and are the most important of the parrot species known for being gentle and loud.

7. Quetzal

The Quetzal, Latin name Pharomachrus mocinno, are found in forests from Mexico to Panama.It is a foot long and weighst ¼ of a pound.They feed on  fruit, lizards, insects, and other small creatures.

Quetzal is of red, blue and green colors.

The male Quetzals have unique twin tail feathers that they lose once they mate, while the females don't have long twin tail feathers (

8. Hoopoe


The Hoopoe, Latin name Upupidae, sleep in Africa, Europe, and Asia.They get older to five inches long and weigh just 2 ounces.

These birds eat a spread of bugs including ants, beetles, crickets, locusts, and more.

They have long beak, black and white striped feathers, brown heads, and brown crest with black and white stripes on the ideas .

The Hoopoe is that the national bird of Israel.

9.Atlantic puffin 

The Atlantic puffin , Latin name Atlantic puffin , is found near the Atlantic . they're a few foot tall and weighs a few pound. Atlantic Puffins eat crustaceans and fish.

They have a black body, white chest, and vibrant orange feet. Their beak changes from bright orange to grey in the winter.

Their coloring is on the brink of penguins, but they appear more sort of a parrot than a penguin.

10. Green Wing Macaw Parrot

The Green Wing Macaw Parrot, Latin name Ara chloropterus, lives in central and northern South America.

They are about 40 inches long and weighs slightly below 3 pounds.

They eat berries, fruit, nuts, and seeds.

Green Wing Macaw Parrots are known for his or her bright red, blue, and green colors.

It has vibrant red feathers, with a green band around their wings and back, with blue on the ideas of their wings and tail feathers.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Amazing Birds and Facts -1

Amazing Birds and Facts -1

1. Blue Jays


Blue Jays, Latin name blue jay , are native to North America and are found within the central and eastern regions of the US .

They’re ten inches long and weigh three ounces.
Blue Jays eat nuts, seeds, and acorns, but they're known to eat small insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, or beetles.

These beautiful birds are recognizable by their azure colors, contrasting light grey chest, and white face.

One unique identifier of the jaybird is once they are frightened or upset the crest on their head will get up .

2. Red Crested Turaco

The Red-crested Turaco, also known by the Latin name Tauraco erythrolophus, is native to Africa and are found within the savanna, woodlands, and forests of Sub-Saharan Africa .

Red Crested Turacos are about 20 inches long and weigh but 1 pound.Seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, and termites are their food.

These birds aren't the simplest flyers, but they will run extremely fast and that they sound sort of a jungle monkey.They have green body, white-face, and have a red crest.

According to, their beautiful red crest is nearly two inches.

3. Chrysolophus pictus 

Golden Pheasants, Latin name golden pheasant are called “rainbow pheasant”.

Males can qualify to three ½ feet and females up to 2 ½ feet.They feed on berries, grains, seeds, and grubs.

They are identified by their unique and beautifully golden crest, their feathers that home in a rainbow of colours , and long tail feathers.

4. Painted Bunting

Painted Buntings, Latin name Passerina ciris, are found within the southern parts of North America and migrate south to Central America and therefore the Caribbean.

They eat seeds and grains unless they're breeding, then they're going to eat a good sort of insects, too.

The male birds have beautiful, vibrant blue, red, green, and yellow colors which will be seen once the bird has reached the age of two.

5. Flamingo

Flamingos, Latin name Phoenicopterus, are native to America (Caribbean), Africa, Asia, and Europe.

They are over 4 feet tall and weigh up to 7 pounds.They eat small insects, shrimp, and cyanobacteria .

Flamingos get their beautiful pink color from the shrimp they eat.The more shrimp they eat, the brighter their feathers are going to be , the less shrimp they eat the whiter they're going to look.They are often seen standing or sleeping on one leg, with the opposite leg tucked up underneath them.